A color gradient is a gradual blend between two or more colors. Usually, a gradient is defined by two user-defined colors, and the computer automatically calculate all colors in between. Color gradients can consist of…
This year, 3,005 developers answered 27 questions covering a wide range of front-end tools and methodologies. As always, a massive thank you from me to every single person that took the time to fill it…
Bedrock is a new WordPress boilerplate with modern development tools, easier configuration, and an improved folder structure. It's not a theme, it's a way to install, configure, and manage WordPress with security and modern development…
You’re browsing a website and you want to find the name of a font? This extension is made to help you explore and improve your font skills. You can also hide all pictures and commercials…
Your starting point for building great multi-device web experiences. Start your project with the Web Starter Kit and ensure you're following the Web Fundamentals guidelines out of the box. Responsive layout is included with the…