Responsive premium Tumblr Theme gonzogridly

gonzogridly (Tumblr)

‘gonzogridly’ is a Grid based and fully responsive premium Tumblr theme with no complication or clutter. Ideal for graphic- and web designers, photographers and videographers who don’t want to compromise on their blog’s versatility.

gonzogridly is also designed to display all of Tumblr’s post types. No matter what type of content you want to publish on your blog, this theme will display it beautifully.

Fully Responsive + Retina-ready

This Tumblr theme is an intelligent multi-column theme that adapts to the device you are using: the bigger your screen, the more columns you’ll see. This way, your blog will automatically fit any screen out there.


While gonzogridly is designed to be great out of the box, there is plenty for you to customize. Options include:

  • setting the width of the ‘gutter’ between the columns
  • showing or hiding the captions on the indexpage
  • enabling or disabling infinite-scroll / pagination
  • uploading a logo image
  • adding a webfont of your choice via ‘Font Embed Code’
  • custom Web Fonts
  • an array of customisable color options
  • set your Breakpoint (px, em or %) for the Mobile Navigation
  • show all your Social Profiles (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)
  • and much .. much more

Custom Options

gonzogridly’s Title, Background Image, Logo Image, Avatar Image and Description are all fully customizable via the Customization Panel. This way you can give your new blog a personal ‘look and feel’!

3rd Party Integration

gonzogridly has some 3rd party software integration built-in, enabling you to insert all kind of ‘widgets’ with the provided copy-and-paste Embed code from the specific application. Examples are: Codepen, SoundCloud, Spotify, SlideShare, JotForms and more.

Buy gonzogridly
Premium Tumblr Theme Gonzogridly
Scope of Work:

CSS3, HTML5, Infinitive Scroll, jQuery, Responsive Web Design, Tumblr Theme, UX/UI

Project Info

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