Iconizr is a free, PHP based command line tool for processing SVG files to CSS icon kits, catering for the full range of devices and clients out there. It creates SVG and PNG fallback icon sprites, their data URI counterparts and the matching CSS and Sass code. It optimizes both SVG and PNG files in terms of size and offers some logic for CSS pseudo-classes.
It prefers high-resolution (retina) SVG over PNG icons, data URIs over CSS sprites and single images and provides fallbacks for even the least capable browsers. It outputs Sass along with (or instead of) CSS code.
While doing pretty much the same as the Filament Group’s / Scott Jehl’s grunticon, iconizr especially focuses on reducing the size of files and number of HTTP requests, addressing mobile devices in particular. This tool has been designed by Joschi Kuphal, make sure to read Iconizr’s documentation!